What is RogueBlox?

RougeBlox is a turn-based deck-builder card game fused that includes some RPG features.

Throughout the game, players will battle others, strategically picking Blox to send into battle against their opponents.

This is the first game we are launching where you will use your Blox NFTs.

What is Blox NFT?

Blox NFT is the game character you will use in the game. This is an ERC-721 Token.

How many Blox do I need to start playing RogueBlox?

To start playing, you will need at least 1 Blox to play the game.

What is Genesis Blox NFT?

The Genesis Blox are the first generation of Blox in the Bloxverse.

GENESIS Blox holders will always and exclusively gain a stable revenue from the breeding system. Their offspring and family growth will help them get a share of up to 20% of the breeding fee.

More details:https://medium.com/openblox/genesis-blox-benefits-3fcfd80521c1

How many Genesis Blox will there be?

There are only 7,998 Genesis Blox

Where can I buy Genesis Blox NFT?

You can buy a Genesis NFT either in OpenSea (https://opensea.io/collection/openblox-v3) or in our own Marketplace in Arbitrum (https://marketplace.openblox.io/assets).

Genesis Blox can be purchased using $ETH.

How do I play & earn with my Blox?

All Blox holders can access the game and play to earn. For our first Blox game, you can start playing with at least one Blox and begin adventures in all the games on OpenBlox. You will be rewarded with tokens and other resources by defeating the enemies. More details will be released for you to explore after the game launches.

Do I have to migrate my Genesis Blox in Ethereum to Arbitrum?

Yes, since OpenBlox's Games will be launched in Ethereum, you have to transfer it to Arbitrum network in order to use it in the game.

(Migration guide:https://medium.com/openblox/migration-guide-how-to-move-your-blox-from-ethereum-to-arbitrum-b736970830a3)